Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic focuses on the delicate relationship between the nervous system and spine. During a chiropractic session, Dr. Jay aims to balance the body through adjustments, muscle work, and sometimes, mobilization.
When the body sustains an injury, however small, it protects itself by adapting to maintain balance. As we age and move, we get used to these adaptations our bodies have made, which can create a domino effect of further adaptations.
The result is a reduced ability to adapt any further, resulting in pain and injury. Dr. Jay’s goal is to identify and remove the adaptations leading to the dysfunction, so the patient’s body can regain normal movement and heal itself.
Adaptations can occur anywhere in our bodies, which is why chiropractic treatment is not always limited to the spine.

Chiropractic Adjustments
A chiropractic adjustment can make you feel so much better. Your body does not want to be out of alignment, and that’s exactly what an adjustment can help address. It is also known as chiropractic manipulation, manual manipulation, or spinal manipulation. The adjustment refers to the manipulation of the vertebrae that have abnormal movements and are not functioning properly. A chiropractic adjustment will assist in fixing these issues.
The goal of chiropractic treatment is to reduce the subluxation, increase the range of motion, reduce nerve irritability, and improve mobility. Our compassionate and qualified chiropractor will work with you to relieve this pain and get you back to being pain free every single day.
Although many people visit their chiropractor and have an adjustment when something feels out of alignment, a regular visit will help you avoid any pain in the future and will keep your body feeling great all day long.
If you are having one of those days when you are not in the best mood, an adjustment may actually help. Your body will feel much better, which will naturally improve your mood.

Dr. Jay believes there are three main steps to regaining normal function.
Step 1: get the brain talking to the body. This is where chiropractic muscle work is essential to regaining control of the body.
Step 2: build muscle endurance. This is where isometric and stabilization exercises begin so as to regain normal movement patterns.
Step 3: Improve muscle strength. This step involves protocol for improving strength through a full range of motion. Rehabilitation and physical therapy aren’t only for patients recovering from an injury or surgery. Dr. Jay also has patients who schedule physical therapy prior to their surgery. He has had great success with pre-operative rehabilitation, and his patients have had less downtime after surgery and a faster, more pain-free recovery.

Nutritional Consultations
To achieve pain management, as well as improved bodily functions and health, chiropractic medicine integrates various methods and philosophies – including physical therapy and nutrition.
With so many vitamins and supplements available on the market today, it can be confusing to know what to take and where to purchase from. After a consultation and possibly a review of your lab work, Dr. Jay can recommend specific supplements to help you achieve your goals.
Our office carries a wide variety of supplements and products from companies such as Standard Process, Nutri-West, Apex, and many more. These supplements are difficult to find online or in non-medical settings, as these companies only sell to doctors and medical professionals.
Individuals already taking prescription medication should always consult with their prescribing physician for possible interactions.

Massage Therapy
Chiropractic focuses on the delicate relationship between the nervous system and spine. During a chiropractic session, Dr. Jay aims to balance the body through adjustments, muscle work, and sometimes, mobilization.
When the body sustains an injury, however small, it protects itself by adapting to maintain balance. As we age and move, we get used to these adaptations our bodies have made, which can create a domino effect of further adaptations.
The result is a reduced ability to adapt any further, resulting in pain and injury. Dr. Jay’s goal is to identify and remove the adaptations leading to the dysfunction, so the patient’s body can regain normal movement and heal itself. Adaptations can occur anywhere in our bodies, which is why chiropractic treatment is not always limited to the spine.

An approved specialty within the field of chiropractic medicine, acupuncture encompasses art, science, and philosophy in pain and disease treatment by stimulating energy zones along meridians in the skin by inserting and manipulating thin needles.
Acupuncture was first practiced in Traditional Chinese Medicine, but in the last 25 years, it has become widely recognized in North America as a legitimate health treatment, and the World Health Organization has endorsed its treatment in over 35 health conditions.
Many of these conditions are now covered by health plans, but you should verify with your insurance company before booking a treatment.
In direct relation to modern chiropractic acupuncture indications, the list includes, but is not limited to:
- Repetitive Stress Injuries- Often sports or work-related, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, trigger finger, tennis elbow, knee strain
- Pain Relief- Post-surgical, lower back pain, upper back pain, whiplash, neck pain
- Neurological Conditions- Chronic headache, sciatica, nerve injuries
Dr. Jay is a chiropractor with a certification in acupuncture. He has been practicing acupuncture as long as he has been in practice as a chiropractor and finds it to be an especially effective means of treating chronic pain and old injuries.

Applied Kinesiology
Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a type of alternative medicine that is used mainly by chiropractors. Applied Kinesiology is defined as a form of diagnosis that uses muscle testing as primary feedback for examining how a person’s body is functioning.
AK brings together the elements that work in many different therapies and then makes them into one to use what is known as a “total person” concept of health.
There are myriad conditions that applied Kinesiology can treat, including:
- Sports injuries
- Skin disorders
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Allergies and asthma
- Muscular aches /pains
- Digestive problems
- Congestion
- Backaches
- Different types of arthritis
- Accident trauma
- Depression
Dr. Jay is not only certified in Applied Kinesiology, but he is also a diplomate.
This designation distinguishes him from other AK practitioners in that Dr. Jay has completed over 300 hours of instructional training, written two research papers in the field of AK and passed a 5 part written test as well as a practical exam in order to earn the title of DIBAK or Diplomate in Applied Kinesiology.

Rejuvenation Room
Our chiropractic office also has an on-site aesthetician for all your skincare needs. Click the link below to be redirected to the Rejuvenation Room’s website, where you can read about their various services and book directly with Andrea.